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Mistakes We Knew We Were Making - How do you deal with your past mistakes? I would like to recommend a great way to burden your mind, waste time, and lower your self-esteem. Are Kids on Wheels Safe in Public - Don't let your kids leave home without electric scooter tips like these. Blaming Others for the Roadblocks in our Lives May Be a Way to Stay Stuck - Our problems with others that stop us need to be addressed either alone or with a counselor so we can take action and move on. Las Vegas Family Vacation - Summer Vacations are fast approaching. The Top Factors of Successful Goal Setting - The key to getting what you want in life is to identify, plan, and implement effective goals. CoEd Baby Shower Parties a the Wave of the Future - There are times in the past where having a baby shower meant that it was a hidden and secret ritual that was only enjoyed by women who were expecting and their close girlfriends. The Essence Of Pray Rain Journaling - Pray Rain Journaling Is A fast and Easy Way to Feel Good Now. You Are Your Own President - You are the president of your own nation, and it is called Imagination. Floss Your Stress Beating Skills - Tips on dealing with stress. The Time When Children Decide To Spend Really Counts - A variety of authors have written over the years what should be the amount of allowance a child is provided with or if a allowance should be provided at the first place.