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Be Truthful To Your Own Self To SucceedHad a tough day today. The markets were under heavy profit taking. As a day trader, I was doing my best trying to salvage my positions in the markets and cutting losses before the damage becomes too big. I have a feeling this market that has been going up for quite some time, would go through more correction before coming back up again. Towards the end of the day, I had managed to trim my positions to a very minimum level. A little damage ($) but manageable. There was another reason why I reduced my positions. I would be on a short holiday in Indonesia from tomorrow for almost a week. I am not sure whether I would be able to write as I would be leaving my laptop computer behind. Strict instructions from my wife! She says that I am spending way too much of time with the machine. Anyway, I have some thoughts to share. Over the years, using my first book, The Seven Basic Laws Of Nature, many people have started new businesses. Quite a large number that used Nature's Laws positively achieved the success that they wanted. Here, I would like to be honest with you. Although there are many successes, there are those who had encountered failures (or I call them temporary defeats). I can write on and on about those who succeeded, but in this entry, I would like to share some thoughts with regards to those who went through these so-called temporary defeats. One of my seminar participants and a good friend, encountered this temporary defeat a number of years back. He was doing quite well as a quality control executive of an automobile company that assembled luxury cars. Although he earned well, he never really had much time for himself as he was always occupied with his job. Deep in him, he wanted to know more about himself, the universe, existence, Nature and all that jazz. This is when the Law of Vibration and Attraction comes in to effect; changes began to take place in his life as per his constant and powerful thoughts. The company he was working for were trying to cut cost as they were losing the dealership for one of their popular car model. As such, they offered him a VSS (Voluntary Separation Scheme) that amounted to quite a large sum of money because he had been working in the company for many years. He took the option and used the money to start a business in the food industry. He got together with a relative and they produced a local delicacy in large scale to supply to the local supermarkets. He now had more time to pursue the things that he wanted to do. At first business was good but eventually things begin to go wrong, as there were some misunderstandings with his partners. He tried desperately to continue managing and hang on to the ailing business. More and more of his money was going down the drain. While telling me about his situation, he told me that he practiced Nature's Laws positively and he sincerely could not see what he was doing wrong. I smiled and said that in order for Nature's Laws to work positively to provide positive results, he must search deeply within him what he really wanted in his life. He looked at me intently waiting for me to explain. I said to him, "My friend, in order for the whole of Nature to work with you, not only you need to practice Nature's Laws positively, but you also need to be truthful to your own self!" Then, I asked him whether the business that he ventured into was something that his heart had really wanted to do. He replied that it was not really his first option. In fact, he loved the automobile industry more. He was in the current business because he saw the money that can be made. Then I suggested to him to pursue his original love, that is the automobile industry. This is when he said that he could not afford to because he had lost all his money in the current business venture. I asked him whether there was a way to salvage it. He replied saying that he cannot seem to find a way. I looked at him intently and said, "My friend, I think it is time to cut your losses and move on!" After much thought, he took the advice and closed the business. As he did this and started to pursue a business in the automobile industry, in a relatively short period of time, he got a contract to fix high-end alarm system to luxury cars. Now, he is earning much better than before, and has more time for himself. All through our life, we are taught subconsciously about attachment. We get attached to our family, material wealth, position at work and so on. Please note that I am not saying that attachment is bad. As long as we are in this physical body and living on this plane of existence, attachment will naturally exist. However, it is also vitally important to learn of the other aspect of life, which is called detachment. We come into this world alone and we eventually leave alone. All that we have acquired is from this world and eventually we have to return it back to this world including the body. As such, always have a balanced view of life. Develop your intellect to be able to choose, as per the Law of Choosing; that is to choose to be attached and also detached when the need arises. As for me, I have cut my losses for the day, but I will be back another day, as my heart is still in day trading. It is a part and parcel of the game (winning and losing). Kind of sounds like LIFE doesn't it?. The Uneducated One is a trader, author and a motivational speaker. He has helped companies and countless individuals achieve their goals and desires. 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