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The Top Marital BlundersWhen thinking about my patients, I've noticed a pattern to the marital conflicts that they share. Here's my list of the top ten things that put your marriage at higher risk for break-up and the things you must do to strengthen it: 1) Putting-Down Spouse's Friends/Family Don't badmouth your spouse or her/his friends, family or associates. Spouses need to know you appreciate their world outside of you. Rather, compliment her friends and family. 2) Not Using Good Listening Skills This includes indulging pre-occupation, avoiding eye contact, looking somewhere else as the conversation unfolds etc. Rather, use good eye contact, wait 'til your spouse finishes talking and concentrate so much on what s/he is saying that you paraphrase it to demonstrate you REALLY listened. 3) Lack of Love-Making This is a very ominous sign in marriage. If your partner has complaints that prevent him/her from wanting to engage you sexually, get help. Seek medical and/or psychological counseling, if necessary. Men, don't get hung-up on wanting INTERCOURSE all the time. Be able to frequently engage your partner slowly and tenderly in a merely SENSUAL fashion. Don't worry, you won't explode because of pent-up semen. 4) Always Having the Last Word or Need to be Right This includes lecturing, criticizing and over-correcting your partner. Narcissists are HARD to love! Occasionally, admit that you made a mistake, don't know or compliment your partner as having made a "good point" (and leave it at that). Please be concise. Don't answer every question with a lecture on the topic. 5) Not Following-Thru Actions do speak louder than words. Be reliable and trustworthy. When you commit yourself to doing something, do it. This builds the trust necessary to maintain a close relationship. Trust involves everyday things, not just fidelity. 6) Inconsiderate Teasing Believe your spouse if s/he says that your teasing was hurtful or a put down. Don't give a lecture about why that wasn't correct. Just stop it. Ask yourself what s/he would find complimentary and say that instead. If you just LISTEN to your spouse you can learn alot. 7) Deceit, Lies and Falsehoods Having lies and secrets creates distance and serious suspicions in your mate. This leads to lack of trust and robs your relationship of the fuel it needs to keep going. Swallow, bite the bullet, be considerate and be honest . 8) Being Juvenile When you know you are annoying and you continue to annoy, it's immature and VERY wearing on a spouse. Find better ways to get attention and use healthy communication techniques to communicate your gripes. 9) Explosive Anger You must handle conflict constructively EVEN if your spouse doesn't. Having angry outbursts always makes you the loser, even if you ARE right. That's called being "self-defeating." Copyright, Shery, 2006. Dr Shery is in Cary, IL, near Algonquin, Crystal Lake, Marengo and Lake-in-the-Hills. He's a marriage counselor and psychologist. Call 1 847 516 0899 and make an appt or learn more about counseling at: http://www.nextdayappointment.com Family and Parenting Cloth Diapers A Healthy Choice for your Newborn to Toddler - Cloth diapers arebetter for your new born and your toddler FACT . Anger Management The Psychologist Methods of Controlling Anger - Anger Management is very important for everyone of us. Born to Win - We are all born to win. online bathroom shop - Furniture is what defines a room, just like good furniture is essential for any home; bathroom furniture, is essential to any well planned bathroom. Factors that influence Babies Names - Names sometimes denote the culture, origin and nationality of the person behind it. more... |