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Toys For NewbornsOne of the greatest things about childhood, which you may or may not remember, is all the toys! Even though it may be a year before your baby starts really showing how interested they are in the toys you have given them there are still tons of toys that your baby under one year will not only enjoy but will also help with their hand-eye coordination and motor skills. There are roughly four basic stages you should consider when choosing toys that will capture your baby's interest and benefit their growth. Some of those suggestions are listed below: Toys for newborns: During the first few months before learning to grasp objects or sit up on their own, your baby will enjoy having things to look at and listen to. Your baby's vision will still be fuzzy at first and focus will be limited to objects from eight to fourteen inches from their face. Babies are drawn to faces and can recognize mom and dad's faces at the age of one month. Babies at this age thoroughly enjoy looking at high contrast patterns and bright colors. They will also appreciate sounds and music. Objects that move around slowly and make music such as mobiles will be of particular interest. A mobile can be a fascinating visual source for a newborn baby. Choose mobiles with high contrast colors and patterns that will be the most interesting for your baby. Many babies are especially fond of musical mobiles so you definitely want to keep that in mind when deciding on one for your baby. Be sure to mount the mobile out of the baby's reach and either directly above or to the right of the baby's field of vision. As mentioned previously, babies love music so even a music box or a wind up musical toy will be a great choice for your baby. Another thing babies love is a mirror. Babies are very attracted to faces and will not realize that they are looking at their own face in the mirror. Make sure that the mirror is unbreakable and fasten it where they can see themselves. Plush toys that make noises are a favorite. These toys will keep your baby's attention for a long time. These are just some ideas to get you started, I am sure you will find more. Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. For baby gifts go to http://www.babygiftsplusmore.com Family and Parenting Cloth Diapers A Healthy Choice for your Newborn to Toddler - Cloth diapers arebetter for your new born and your toddler FACT . Anger Management The Psychologist Methods of Controlling Anger - Anger Management is very important for everyone of us. Born to Win - We are all born to win. online bathroom shop - Furniture is what defines a room, just like good furniture is essential for any home; bathroom furniture, is essential to any well planned bathroom. Factors that influence Babies Names - Names sometimes denote the culture, origin and nationality of the person behind it. more... |