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Ways To Help Kids With ADDLD Memorize More EasilyI remember when I was young how I used to repeat.and repeat.and repeat things until I felt I had them memorized. Naturally, by the time I went to bed, I didn't remember anything. I only knew I hated memorizing more than anything in the world. I suffer from ADD today and so I'm sure I was suffering then. Only, no one was there to lend a helping hand. The schools were no help. To this day, they don't teach students about memory skills and how to go home and "Study chapter 5 for tomorrow!" I know. I'm a teacher. I really feel bad for kids like me who suffer from ADD or other learning disabilities because it's a struggle. But fear not! I have returned to throw a life preserver to all those that would rather have root canal with no novacaine than memorize for the next test. Here are a few things all kids can do, ADD or not, to help themselves remember things more efficiently. Number 1 - Know what you have to study. Sounds so simple (it always sounds so simple!) but it's true. Part of the problem I had as a student (and some of my current students have) is that they are not clear on what to study. So, they go home and waste valuable time trying to figure out if what they are looking at is important or not. Don't make that mistake. Ask the teacher before you leave class. Or, ask a reliable student in your class. Don't rely on your buddies because they may be as out of touch as you are! Number 2 - Make sure you understand the material before you begin to commit it to memory. Read it through a few times to get the major points. Once you have an understanding of what's going on and why, you can begin to group items and facts in ways that will make them easier to recall the next day. Number 3 - Make sure you use memory strategies when you study. Kids with ADD/LD need to have a game plan each time they sit down. I can't believe how many students follow my first two suggestions but pass on the third. You need to have proven ways to encode information that work for you every time. This way, you just follow the same pattern and it becomes automatic. Like riding a bicycle. Once you learn you never forget. Most learning specialists recommend mnemonics. Studies at major universities show that mnemonics are some of the most powerful techniques for storing (and later recalling) information. They also fit the bill for students with learning problems. They're fun and allow students to use their creativity and get engaged. Anytime kids can enjoy the learning process, the better the results. So there you go. I'm happy to share what I know. Like I said earlier, ADD was a hassle for me but it doesn't have to be for your child. Follow these steps and you'll see results before you know it. And when all is said and done, your child may actually prefer memorizing to root canal with no novacaine!. Jim Sarris is a veteran teacher and author of two books on memorizing: Comic Mnemonics for Spanish Verbs and Memorizing Made Easy, a book/DVD that helps kids with ADD and other learning problems remember more of what they study. No struggles, no hassles, no headaches. For a free report and more information, visit ADD/LD help with memorizing. Family and Parenting Cloth Diapers A Healthy Choice for your Newborn to Toddler - Cloth diapers arebetter for your new born and your toddler FACT . Anger Management The Psychologist Methods of Controlling Anger - Anger Management is very important for everyone of us. Born to Win - We are all born to win. online bathroom shop - Furniture is what defines a room, just like good furniture is essential for any home; bathroom furniture, is essential to any well planned bathroom. Factors that influence Babies Names - Names sometimes denote the culture, origin and nationality of the person behind it. more... |